Thursday, August 15, 2013

On the fence

The fence is finally happening!  Here are some before pics - the posts just going up last week.

And here's part of the fence that's been put up.  I love the way it sets off the tall, leggy rhododendron and the hemlock tree.

The redwood fence boards are placed close together on the edge of the fenced area closest to the trail.

And then there's these guys:

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Still not done with that bedroom yet?!

Here's a couple of shots of where we are with the bedroom.  The drywall job is done.  We're slowly getting ready to prime and paint.  Cleaned up the dust yesterday.  Plenty of work left to do, but it's all stuff we can do ourselves - paint, floors,'ll come together soon.  Maybe in a few weekends it will be all done!